When Friendship Fails
As I was coming into my freshman year in college, I was nervous, scared and really just knowing I was going to be lonely. I had not known of anyone who was also going to the college of my choice and I was also a first-gen student so no one in my family had ever even moved away from home! After a week at the school, I had already found a nice church and a good group of girl friends whom I felt were the “college” friends you keep for a lifetime. They filled my gap on loneliness, and kind of took the role as a savior in my life. After 2 long years of friends that mainly had its downs, and relying on them to be my saving grace I became depressed. I was sad and lonely once again. Until finally, I decided that there was more for me than this, I would rather put my trust in Jesus and not know what’s next than be comfortable in friendships that were unhealthy. Here I am now, almost a year later and doing the best I have been in the past 7 years! I am healthy, happy, and trusting that even though I may not know what’s next, Jesus does.
Amaya Martinez