FREE VIRTUAL EVENT: Let's talk about "purpose". How does our purpose shape our worth? What do we think it is? Where do we find it?
March 25, 2021
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
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on 3/25/2021 9:57:41 PM
Hi Family!
We can't wait to talk about “purpose” with you!
We will be asking the questions:
How does our purpose shape our worth?
What do we think it is? Where do we find it?
What do we do with hopelessness?
How can we be present with a friend that feels purposeless?
Let's talk at 7pm est tonight about it!
How to access it:
Join Zoom Meeting HERE.
Meeting ID: 831 6620 3039
Passcode: 2021
Feel free to keep your video on to engage or turn it off and just listen!
What is our purpose? Where do we find it? Is that the same as our calling? How does purpose impact our worth? |
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- Community Group 10
March 25, 2021
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (-05:00)